Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday Afternoon
I didn't want to go. Grownups have so much to do. Sigh.
Why can't Rebecca stand up straight?
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Gone But Not Forgotten
Friday, August 27, 2010
The dorm is no-frills cinderblock.
The room is small, basic, and cinderblock,
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Small Successes
I don't think I've done any school planning this week, but that doesn't mean I didn't accomplish anything:
- Preparing for Lauren's departure, we celebrated Thanksgiving in August. There's a large, empty space in my freezer now! Last night we ate turkey soup for dinner.
- I decluttered a bit with the help of Freecycle.
- Preparing for David's departure (this morning!), I wrapped a pile of "Remember that we love you" treats for him to open at school.
Are you enjoying your last days of summer? See how other moms are succeeding over at Faith and Family Live.
And now we're off!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Inspired by a friend, I collected treats for Lauren when she went away to school. I wrapped and labelled them so she could open something from me every other day for a month.
Tomrrow we're driving David to SMCM, so I just finished wrapping his sursies.
And that's why I won't yet tell you what exciting gifts are in those appealingly wrapped parcels. David reads this blog, and I can't spoil his surprise now, can I?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
A Model Mom
Some quotes:
By virtue of my office, I dictate what home is for ten people.
I'm not a master chef, and yet the way *I* cook is the way my children think things are supposed to taste.
The atmosphere I create here forms what my family considers to be home.
It covers much more than simple homemaking, however. Many, many times I have caught a glimpse of my children watching me as I pray, or read the Bible, or participate in Mass. What are they seeing in me? What sorts of lifelong perceptions of God have they formed in their heads because of my actions?
May the Lord repair what I've done badly, and may He bless all the good that has been done in this family!
Read her whole post here.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Thanksgiving in August
This year, for the first time, one of my babies will be missing. Lauren will be in Europe for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years'. Waah...
Following a Cook's Illustrated recipe (from 2008), I cut the turkey apart. Saturday night I made broth with the back and wings, and on Sunday roasted the breast and legs (now just a little over 10#).
Homemade cran-razz is an easy family favorite. I'll post the recipe soon.
It was eggier/more custardy (duh) than the recipe we had, and called for a teaspoon of nutmeg plus 2 Tablespoons of rum. This ice cream was quite popular, and a perfect foil for the cake.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Foolproof Recipe for Grit
1 dog with long fur and short legs
This dirt cannot be removed with just a towel! It's entwined in Dusty's fur and fastened by dampness. Left alone, it falls/rubs off as he dries, sometimes in a pile where he's resting. He doesn't like being rinsed, but resigns himself once I step on the leash.
The other day, as Len watered the garden, he wondered why Dusty ran away as soon as he picked up the hose. That was one question I knew how to answer. :-)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Who Deserves Help?
Does he have to be grateful? What if the problem is her fault? Should he be sorry if he's brought this on himself? Does she have to ask for help? Will he learn his lesson? Does she need to pay me back (with a favor/help)? Etc. etc. etc.
I've struggled with these sorts of questions, including one day while my mind was wandering (an all too common occurrence) during the rosary. On a Friday. During the Sorrowful Mysteries.
So Jesus died on the cross for all of us sinners. He didn't wait to be asked. He knew many of us wouldn't be grateful, wouldn't care, might not even know what he'd done--didn't DESERVE his love. He suffered anyway, to save us all, you and me.
That must be my answer, the example I'm meant to follow. I already know it's not easy. Sometimes I care more about fairness than mercy. Lord, help me.
"But God shows his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Small Successes: Setting the Bar Low
Some weeks my achievements are indeed diminutive. Take now, for example:
- I wrote a heartfelt, profusely illustrated blog post about . . . tablecloths.
- I made it to daily mass. Once.
- I pulled the 20# turkey from the freezer far enough in advance to completely thaw, in the fridge, by this weekend.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
In Praise of Tablecloths
I'm sure you agree that the cloths are attractive. The table looks dressier whether it's set for a tea party
Old Way:
- Get everything off the table.
- Wipe off the crumbs.
- Soap up the surface, or at least the grubby areas.
- Wipe off the soapiness (the worst part!).
- Put back candle, napkins, etc.
- Get everything off the table.
- Roll up the table cloth.
- Shake off crumbs.
- Put cloth back on the table, or trade out for a clean one if necessary.
- Put back candle, napkins, etc.
Are you convinced now?
A pattern on the cloth keeps it looking fresh longer. I find most of my tablecloths at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. They've got expensive ones, but most of mine were $20 or less (60" x 120" !). Remember those awesome 20% off coupons!*
I do use a fuzzy cloth/vinyl liner between the table and the linens. It cushions a little bit and protects nice tabletops, only needing wiping after massively messy spills.
*I've never seen this advertised, but the BBBs around here will allow you to use one coupon per item, and they don't enforce the expiration dates. I keep a stash . . .
One more thing: I don't know if you noticed the candles, but we have wreaths and novena candles in the appropriate liturgical color of the day. You can read about that project here.