Friday, March 28, 2014

Small Successes: Once Again

Although I always enjoyed the format, it's been almost three years since I've posted any small successes.  The host site changed a few times and I lost track (and maybe focus).  Last night I stumbled on Small Success Thursdays at CatholicMom.Com, so I'm ready to begin again.

Listing a few small successes is meant to encourage me (and you, dear reader) to recognize that all is not inefficiency and craziness.  Appreciating even bits of progress or brightness is a gift to myself and those around me.

Enough intro . . . here's my list for this week:

  1. I made it to Confession.  This was like hitting "refresh" on my Lent.  Time to move forward . . .
  2. Examining my conscience prior to Confession made me realize that I must stop watching (halfway through 34 episodes) a culinary series full of cursing--lots and lots of cursing.  Maybe the fact that I wouldn't let anyone else in my family watch with me was the first clue???  The withdrawal hasn't been as difficult as I expected given how much I enjoyed the show.
  3. Rebecca and I have spent time on her writing homework every day this week.  Breaking it up into bits makes the process so much easier, with no last minute panic or hours spent the night before it's due.  

I hope you're inspired to discover your successes.  Feel free to share or read about other moms here.