Monday, April 2, 2012

Slow Going

My progress as of bedtime Sunday . . .

That's 7 rows of 396 stitches. 

It took me longer than it should have, because I counted and recounted the cast-on row, and then dropped a stitch (or two?) and had to count again!  At one point Lauren (home for the 4th weekend in a row--yay!) counted for me because I had nodded off for just a moment--just long enough to lose my place.  Good grief!

Anyway, you can probably see the beginning of the lacy edge.  I'm hoping to finish 15 more rows today.  Then I'll decrease to 266 stitches.  Every eighth row will include more decreases, so the project should move more and more quickly as I go.  We'll see . . .

1 comment:

  1. A little bird nearly freaked out when he heard I had started using Ravelry, for fear(?) that you or I would stumble upon the other there. I prefer not to trip on people if it can be avoided, so, may I ask how you can be found there on purpose? That is, if he was indeed correct that you are there to be found at all (which I find likely, since I did find the shawl pattern there and because if you aren't you should be) and if you don't mind occasionally seeing me there.
