Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

I've struggled through the past week or two, fighting (and sometimes not) angst and gloom, and on the edge of tears multiple times a day (even in public!). The causes were various, including outside circumstances, my own temperament, and my character flaws. No fun.

The intense emotions began to dissipate, but I felt certain that I wouldn't be able to enjoy Mother's Day. What if no one did anything special for me? What if they did but only because I guilted them into it? Shame on me for caring anyway, when my family loves me every day. Not a productive internal dialogue...

As I began to calm down, I found myself easier to live with. (Hopefully everyone else did, too!) There are still some stresses and worries on my plate, but I am more peaceful. And this morning's plate held a delicious breakfast:Everyone pitched in to prepare my pre-Mass treat. Daniel even walked the dog! Note the interesting touches: the spiral cut orange and mini vases filled with cream and sugar cubes (clever, and just the right size). If I remember later, I'll post a picture of our family's "special day" plate.

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