I had a cookie plan, and although it was proceeding slowly, it was proceeding MY way. I did not want a mess-maker or a helper who needed help or a companion who would cry when her artwork didn't meet her expectations (believe me, it's happened before).
Fortunately, child #6 is persistent. I succumbed, she washed her hands, pulled up a stool, and produced these:
Post script: Rebecca wanted everyone to see her cookies, but did not want them eaten at Bible study. Her solution? "How about if you take a picture and put it on your blog?" ;-)
WOW! I am so impressed - with all the cookies but Becca really exceeded all expectations and Barbie, I would have had the same thoughts as you did about having her help. In fact, I know I discouraged my children from helping at times for the same reasons and now I see what I missed. Ouch! Sniff, sniff...