Monday, January 19, 2009

Our Tuition Dollars at Work

I'm being facetious--Lauren is working hard and getting plenty of value from VCU.

Her art foundation courses require many "outside the box" projects, so Lauren gathers material where she can. When someone offered her a big mirror, she knew immediately that it would become "art bits" (my term):

Len helped her carefully pack up the shards for the drive down to Richmond. That box was HEAVY! And they both needed to vacuum before the play room was safe again. ;-)
Lauren had her laptop at Thanksgiving and Christmas and so was able to share much of her work with family and friends. She may have gotten tired of leading us through the drawings, paintings, videos, and installations, but we were all impressed with the quantity and (especially) quality of her projects. Can you tell I'm a proud mama? :-)

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