Monday, December 10, 2007

Our Jesse Tree

We are finally using a Jesse Tree this Advent! This is a tree or bare branches from which are hung ornaments that symbolize people (Abraham, Moses, David) and events (the Fall, the Flood) in Salvation History. We read and discuss the scripture for each symbol during our preparation for the Savior's birth.

I enlarged some ornament pictures from a book given to me many years ago, and traced them onto shrinky-dink paper. This is then colored (we use colored pencils) and baked in the oven where it shrinks to 1/3 its original size and gets 9 times thicker. The hole that was punched before baking is threaded for hanging.

We've only hung a few ornaments so far, but this is going to be a great meditation for Advent. I'm tracing and cutting, while the homeschoolers are coloring. They gathered some bare branches on a windy day, which we arranged in a vase adorned with purple ribbon. Lauren is going to take a picture so I can show it soon.

Have a blessed Advent!

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